Educational brochures are a good way to give your patients additional information about their postpartum depression to take home as well as giving them contact information to get help to treat it. On this page, there is a brochure, a contact sheet, and a fact sheet that you’re able print out and keep in your office.
This is a patient friendly brochure that has great information about what postpartum depression is, how to identify the symptoms of postpartum depression in themselves, and what steps to take to get help for their possible postpartum depression. There are also plenty of helpful contacts listed in helping the patient the treatment they need. ActNow Patient Brochure
This sheet has a list of important phone numbers and websites for to call to get help for postpartum depression and other mental health needs in the community in Leon county and other surrounding areas. ActNow One Sheet
This is a flyer to give to patients that could use information about perinatal depression. While it may not be as patient friendly as the ActNow patient brochure, it does contain more detailed information about perinatal depression than the ActNow patient brochure does. This also has helpful contacts and websites listed on the bottom of the page. ActNow Fact Sheet